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Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Ok! First problem: don't know what it means!
I had to go through the dictionary. At first I couldn't find it as you have to look under smite. Tell me if I start boring you... So next step, writing down all the definitions. Many choices... arghhhh... I decided to stay with the most obvious meaning (don't want to misintepret!).
Love hearts are not usually one of my themes (not exactly the romantic type...) but I deciced to give it a shot.
This time I brought my drawing into illustrator. I am not happy with the result but don't have anymore time to play around with it. I will try to improve it later and will post the result if it's any better!
It looks like a pattern is emerging... I'm unhappy/uninspired with/by the topic every second week!


sage said...

that's very cute!